Other webcams

Notre Dame & Michiana

North Quad
South Quad
More Notre Dame webcams
WNDU Dome cam
WNDU South Bend cam
South Bend Airport
St. Patrick's park on Laurel Road
St. Joseph/Benton Harbor, MI

USC & Los Angeles

Galen Center construction
USC Catalina eagle's nest 1
USC Catalina eagle's nest 2
fUCLA BruinCam (BOOOO!!!)
Many more L.A. webcams


My webcams


Current image:

Updates every 10-15 seconds; click here for updated, full-size image.
The CloverRidgeCam is an iSight located in our guest room, looking out the window at the yard in between two buildings in the Clover Ridge complex. The webcam is powered by an awesome piece of software called EvoCam, running on an Apple Power Macintosh G3 Blue & White.

Archived images:
6 hours ago:
12 hours ago:
18 hours ago:
24 hours ago:

Complete 24-hour archive:

Old webcams

Freshman year webcam
When I was a freshman at USC, I had a webcam in my dorm room, Trojan Hall room 379. Here are a few selected archived images:

More images here.

Sept. 11 tribute cam
On September 11, 2002, the first anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, I set up two webcams, "LoyCam 1" and "LoyCam 2," to capture a timed light ceremony memorializing the tragedy.