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Showdown: Iraq
Toby Zak (the psychokitty) vs. Saddam Hussein (the psychopath)

At first, Toby, much like "Old Europe," looked the other way as the Iraqi threat loomed.

Saddam taunts and teases his enemy, slowly waking the sleeping giant.

As the threat looms ever larger, Toby is awakened to action.

Toby pounces on her enemy!

Taking a bite out of war crime.

She goes for the jugular!

"My eye! My eye!" cries the dictator.

Preparing to "disarm" Saddam.

Proceeding with disarmament.

Forget disarmament; on to "dis-leg-ment."

For Saddam, there will be no saving face this time.

Come back here! No exile for you, buster!

Now she's got him...

Toby has Saddam right where she wants him.

Can you say "regime change"?

After an exhausting fight against evil, Toby takes a much-deserved rest.

Note: If you would like to download one or more of these images, put them on your website, e-mail them to your friends, or do anything else with them, go right ahead -- all I ask is that you give credit to, and also e-mail me and let me know what you're doing! (If Toby's face is circulating around the Internet, I want to know about it!)

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