8 thoughts on “Twitter: Attention Democrats: PANIC!!!! …

  1. Yellamo

    It’s obviously clear that people are not happy with the crap being shoved down their throats by this Administration and Congress. You can bet there are quite a few incumbents who are very very nervous (rightfully so) about their re-election chances come November (Ben Nelson I’m looking at you first). If the House simply passes the Sentate version of the Health Care bill, what you saw today will only be the beginning.

    Seriously. Brown came back from over 20 points down in the polls in just 1 month.

  2. ceiliazul

    People are not happy, but people are forgetful. A lot can happen between now and Nov. That said, I agree there are a lot of nervous reps (at state and fed levels)

  3. David K.

    Yep, you’re right Yellamo, this one election shows that the entire country hates health care reform. Glad you figured that out for us.

  4. gahrie

    No David…this election, the tea parties, every single poll and the desperation of the democrats in washington show the entire country hates the democratic version of healthcare reform.

  5. Alasdair

    So – will Senator Reid regain his senses and seat newly-elected Senator Brown before the nd of this week ?

  6. gahrie

    As I’ve said elsewhere…When Ted Kennedy won this seat in a special election he was sworn in the next day.

  7. Yellamo

    Yep, you’re right Yellamo, this one election shows that the entire country hates health care reform

    Based on previous comments and postings I’ve read from you, I would be surprised If you truly consider this joke of a bill as actual Health Care Reform. Buy insurance or potentially go to jail. Really.

    People want jobs and an income. Everything else comes second. The fact that this administration is pushing this health care bill above EVERYTHING else is what this election was about. To say that Obama and the Dems have a tin ear to the desires of the American people is the understatement of the year.

  8. Joe Mama

    At first I LOLed at the absurd headline on Drudge just now about Brown (“Now…Will He Run For President?”), but then I remembered Barack Obama.

    Sooo, Brown in 2012!

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