7 thoughts on “Remember, remember…

  1. Joe Loy

    Hee hee YAAAAY 🙂 and also Hurrah for the indomitable Mister Ludlow!!

    Wondering how Guy Fawkes Day might be observed in a certain well-known UK Province where the antiquated sectarian conflict still Simmers, I checked BBC/NI.

    Thankfully, I didn’t see current news of any Gunpowder Plots Redux (though several such, by the sociopathic irreconcilables, have in fact been Foiled in recent months).

    But I DID find that (coincidentally?? 🙂 on the very Eve of the famous fifth of November, some philosophical descendents of the Gunpowder Gang — the Spraypaint Plotters, I suppose ;} — evidently struck a blow for the Pope & Mother Ireland by gaily decorating an unsuspecting Protestant Sheepfarmer’s wooly herd in the national colors of the Poblacht na h’Eireann. (Indelibly, it says. 🙂 Play the clip; it’s good. // Hey, it’s a nasty & criminal thing to do, but at least it’s better than blowing people up. (Hm. Wonder if anyone asked the Sheep whether they’d like to join Sinn Fein. “Baaaaa.” 🙂

  2. dcl

    I dunno. They did some fairly serious damage to the man’s livelihood. And given the current economy, potentially catastrophic damage. So while not so bad as blowing up Parliament, I would say it is exceptionally serious. In terms of monetary impact this is quite like setting the man’s house on fire or some such.

  3. David K.

    Bunch of traitors all of you, celebrating a BRITISH holiday. We threw the bums out if you don’t recall! USA! USA! USA!

  4. Joe Loy

    dcl, I am constrained to agree. And I’d expect & hope that the redoubtable and Partially reformed PSNI (formerly the infamous RUC) will bring the Hooligans to justice. / But Serious matters can still have a legitimately Humorous aspect. Just look at those sheep. 🙂 And while sectarian-harrassment-via-costly-vandalism is indeed Bad (even when rather Wittily done ;), it isalso a distinct improvement over, say, mass-murdering innocent men, women & children in downtown Omagh.

    David K: HEE HEE 🙂

  5. dcl

    That I will grant you Joe. I suppose I’ve just become a bit of a fuddy-duddy a bit before my time. It might have something to do with spending enough time out on the road with people doing things they think are funny but that have the very real potential of killing or causing serious injury that the funny side of these things looses it’s appeal.

  6. Jazz

    dcl, IMHO there’s really no reason ever to downplay fuddy-duddiness, its the natural state of affairs, especially these days. Anyone who cheerily says “Aw cmon dcl, why are you such a fuddy duddy” probably hasn’t left the house recently.

    That said, for me the best antidote ever to fuddy-duddiness has been having children. Getting down on the floor for an hour and playing blocks with a toddler does wonders for counteracting the pull of fuddy-duddiness. Our daughters are the best…but, man…they have no idea how awful things are.

    Which ends up being a really positive influence.

    Not sure your personal situation, but I highly recommend small children as the cure for common fuddy-duddery, either one’s own or volunteering in the community. For me anyway, nothing else ever worked nearly as well.

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