“When’s basketball season?”

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In the latest iteration of the Hitler-as-disgruntled-sports-fan meme, the Führer criticizes bandwagon USC fans, defends Pete Carroll, and lampoons the media’s obsession with the Big 12 and SEC. Funny stuff, after the jump. (Warning: subtitled profanity.)

Heh. (Hat tip: Andrew.)

My only problem with this particular version of the Hitler video is that the premise isn’t really believable: does anyone actually think Pete Carroll should be fired, still less that there’s any chance whatsoever of it happening? As I said to Andrew, that’s just a completely and utterly bats**t f***ing idea on its face. I’ll accept that the United States government orchestrated the 9/11 attacks AND that Barack Obama was born in Kenya AND that Sarah Palin is Trig Palin’s grandmother before I’ll believe that USC should, or would, fire Pete Carroll.

Also, there’s no way 85 percent of the people in the room would have had season tickets during the Hackett years. 🙂 Now, I, on the other hand…

2 thoughts on ““When’s basketball season?”

  1. gahrie

    Hey…I lived through the Ted Tollner days……he was so bad they were calling for his head the year after he won the Rosebowl……

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